Nest Camera Not Working With Google Home? (6 Tips To Fix It)

Nest Camera
Nest Camera

The seamless connection of your Nest camera with Google Home offers a lot of convenience, granting you effortless control through simple voice commands.

However, even the most reliable electronic gadgets encounter occasional hiccups, and the Nest camera is no stranger to such disruptions.

These occasional hiccups can result in a disruption to the seamless integration with Google Home, and that’s why you’ve landed here, seeking a solution for this problem.

The good news is that this blog post contains different tips that you can easily implement to reconnect your Nest camera to Google Home.

So, without further ado, let’s delve into the root causes behind this glitch and explore all the possible solutions to fix it.

6 Solutions To Fix Nest Camera Not Connecting to Google Home.

In the following sections, you’ll find all the tips and tricks I have prepared so you can try them one by one until you find the right solution to solve your problem.

Solution 1: Reboot Your Google Home Device.

The first solution I recommend to start with is to reboot the Google Home device you’re using to control the Nest camera, this tip can help you in resolving temporary internal glitches that may be hindering the connection.

All you have to do to power cycle your Google Home device is to disconnect the power cable for its power source, wait for 60 seconds, and then plug it back in.

After completing the reboot, attempt to command your Nest camera using the Google Home device you’ve just restarted. If the camera remains unresponsive, it’s time to move on to the next solution.

Solution 2: Update The Google Home App.

If the reboot didn’t quite do the trick, fret not—our next step involves ensuring your Google Home app is running at its optimal capacity.

Updating the app not only enhances security and overall performance but also addresses potential connectivity issues that could be causing the hiccup between your Nest camera and Google Home.

Here’s how to do it on Android:

  1. Open the Google Play Store app.
  2. Tap Menu, then my apps & games.
  3. Find the Google Home app and tap Update.

And here’s how to update it on IOS devices:

  1. Go to the App Store.
  2. At the bottom right of the screen, tap Search.
  3. Tap your account.
  4. Find the Google Home app and tap update.

Once you’ve updated the Google Home app, launch it and attempt to reconnect with your Nest camera. If the problem persists, keep reading for more troubleshooting tips.

Solution 3: Recharge Your Camera’s Battery.

For those relying on a battery-powered Nest camera, maintaining an optimal charge is crucial to ensuring consistent performance.

If you’ve received a notification alerting you to a low battery level, it’s time to recharge. Here’s why:

A well-powered Nest camera is better equipped to establish and sustain connections with devices like Google Home. By addressing low battery levels promptly, you not only enhance the camera’s overall functionality but also mitigate the risk of connectivity hiccups.

In case you experience issues with recharging the battery you can take a look at this article “8 Ways To Fix Nest Camera Not Charging.”

Solution 4: Fix Connectivity Issues.

Connectivity lies at the heart of a seamless integration between your Nest camera and Google Home. If the previous solutions haven’t resolved the hiccup, it’s time to delve into potential connectivity issues that might be disrupting the harmony.

Below are some troubleshooting tips to address and rectify these issues:

  1. Power Cycle Your Router.
  2. Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal.
  3. Connect The Nest Camera to the 2.4 GHz Channel.
  4. Reduce Wifi Interference.
  5. Update Your Wifi information.
  6. Update Your Router Firmware.
  7. Reset The Router.

Here’s a detailed article that explains how to solve connectivity issues: “7 Tips To Fix Nest Camera Connectivity Issues”.

Addressing connectivity issues involves ensuring that the essential components— Wi-Fi, Google Home, and Nest camera — are in sync. A strong and stable Wi-Fi connection is fundamental to their communication.

By troubleshooting and optimizing these connections, you pave the way for a seamless integration, restoring the harmony between your devices.

Solution 5: Update Your Camera’s Firmware

The firmware embedded within your Nest camera serves as the intricate set of instructions governing its operations and performance.

Keeping this firmware up-to-date is crucial for several reasons including bug fixes and improvements, security enhancements, compatibility updates and boosting performance.

This can play a significant role in resolving the integration issue with Google Home as it contributes to a more stable and reliable connection between the two devices.

Note: The only thing you can do to update the Nest camera is to make sure it’s properly connected to Wi-Fi and the internet, then it should automatically update itself.

Solution 6: Reset The Nest Camera.

Resetting your Nest camera is the last resort, to be employed when all previous tips have failed to restore the connection with Google Home.

However, it’s crucial to note that this step is not to be taken lightly, as it will erase all data and settings, including recordings, from your device.

Why Resetting is Helpful?

  1. Clearing Persistent Glitches: Over time, electronic devices may accumulate temporary glitches or settings conflicts that can persist despite other troubleshooting efforts. A reset wipes the slate clean, eliminating any lingering issues.
  2. Restoring Default Settings: Resetting returns your Nest camera to its factory default settings. This ensures that any inadvertent changes or configurations causing the connectivity issue are rectified.

Here’s a detailed guide from Google that you can follow to perform a factory reset “detailed guide to reset your Nest Camera”.

Final Words.

So these are all the solutions you can implement to get your Nest camera working again with Google Home in the same harmony as before.

Note that you have always the option to reach out to customer support in order to get more information in case the problem is coming from the hardware or something similar.

Adam B